AI’s Potential Impact on Jobs: Exploring a Hypothetical Scenario

In the United States, there’s a story that raises questions about the influence of artificial intelligence (AI) on people’s jobs and feelings. A man around 40 years old who had a tough time. He worked in marketing, creating text known as copywriting. But as technology advanced, AI became capable of doing his job, and it was cheaper and quicker too.

Gradually, he lost his job because systems using AI could do tasks he once did himself. This change affected his mental health, leading to feelings of sadness and, tragically, thoughts of harming himself. Is AI responsible for this suicide?

This story that’s makes us think about how AI might change jobs and affect people’s emotions. Could improving AI lead to fewer jobs and change the way work is done? How might it affect people’s feelings? Is this part of a changing world where technology shifts things for individuals? These questions become important as we look to the future and think about how we deal with new technological challenges.