Three Charged for Pitch Invasion at Champions League Final

During the recent Champions League final at Wembley Stadium, three individuals faced charges for illegally entering the playing area, as reported by the Metropolitan Police.

The accused include Yevhenii Lubnenko, aged 29, David Carneckij, aged 28, and an unnamed 16-year-old boy. They are alleged to have breached section 4 of the Football (Offences) Act 1991 by entering the pitch during the match.

Lubnenko, who does not have a fixed address, will appear at Westminster Magistrates Court on Monday. Carneckij, residing on Walworth Road in south-east London, is scheduled to appear at the same court on July 10. Meanwhile, the youth will face proceedings at Highbury Corner youth court on June 24.

The Metropolitan Police revealed ongoing investigations concerning two other individuals apprehended in connection with the same incident.

In total, law enforcement made 56 arrests related to the Champions League final, with the majority being attempts to breach security measures.

A spokesperson for the Met expressed confidence that the security measures largely prevented unauthorized access to the stadium. They emphasized the robust policing collaboration with Wembley stewards and staff.

Following the disturbances at the Euro 2020 final, where ticketless fans forcibly entered the stadium, the Football Association invested £5m in enhancing safety, security, and infrastructure at Wembley.

Stadium authorities reiterated their commitment to addressing unruly fan behavior before the Champions League final. They announced various security enhancements, including increased steward presence, additional ticket checks, reinforced fencing, and stricter enforcement of Public Space Protection Orders.

On match day, over 2,000 police officers were on duty, overseeing not only the football event but also managing protests and related fan activities.