Hungary block the money for Ukraine!

European Union leaders agreed to begin discussions about Ukraine joining the EU, despite opposition from Hungary. While there was consensus to open talks, disagreements arose about providing financial aid to Ukraine. Hungary’s objections stalled discussions on a 50 billion euro aid package, prompting further talks in January.

During the summit, leaders convinced Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban to temporarily step out, allowing the agreement on membership talks to proceed. However, obstacles remained, with Hungary resistant to adjusting the EU budget for aid purposes. Some leaders are hopeful for a deal in January, though Orban’s concerns persist about Ukraine’s eligibility for significant EU funds.

The approval for membership talks marks a significant step for Ukraine’s aspirations to align with the West and distance itself from Russia. Despite this positive development, the funding dispute overshadows Ukraine’s achievement, leaving the country waiting for essential financial support.

While the decision holds promise for Ukraine’s future, actual EU membership remains distant, involving a lengthy negotiation process. Ukraine must fulfill specific criteria related to democracy and the rule of law before formal discussions can begin.