Miami Mall Chaos: Teen Brawl or Extraterrestrial Encounter?

In downtown Miami at Bayside Marketplace on Monday night, a huge fight among teenagers caused a lot of chaos. But things took a wild turn when rumors on social media started suggesting that the police presence was actually to handle something out of this world – “8-10ft tall shadow aliens.”

Videos posted online showed what looked like a big “creature” in front of the mall entrance, sparking all kinds of theories about what went down that night.

The internet went into overdrive with memes and conspiracy theories. People were wondering why, with everyone having a phone, there wasn’t a closer video of these supposed tall aliens.

Even William Shatner, known for “Star Trek,” chimed in on Twitter, surprised by the news of aliens at the Miami mall.

CBS News Miami reached out to the City of Miami Police for their take on the rumors. Officer Michael Vega confirmed the incident involved 50 juveniles but squashed the idea of aliens or UFOs, stating there were no such sightings or disturbances.

On Friday, “Miami Mall” and “Aliens in Miami” trended on Twitter. Google News also picked up the story, gathering news outlets that were curious about the buzz.

Aliens and UFOs have been getting attention lately. Last July, in a hearing, a former military officer and a U.S. Navy pilot shared thoughts on unidentified aerial phenomena, claiming Congress isn’t being fully informed about these occurrences.