Scotland’s Rollercoaster Triumph: A Journey from Dominance to Crisis

In the end, everything became a puzzle. The one who lost felt strangely better than the one who won. Lifting the trophy lacked its usual excitement.

The victorious guests had solemn expressions, celebrating their first win in this place in 22 years as if they had escaped a dire situation. One of them mentioned that this historic victory felt more like a defeat, and indeed, it was one of the most extraordinary Tests in which Scotland has ever participated. A rollercoaster. A journey to the unknown.

After 43 minutes of this surreal encounter, Scotland, in a dominating fashion, led Wales by 27-0. Duhan van der Merwe had just scored their third try from halfway. The usually lively Principality crowd was silenced, with only a lone piper heard amid the sea of red. It turned into a rout, an unexpected display.

Wales, once proud, now felt inexperienced and embarrassed, defeated in front of their home crowd. You couldn’t help but feel for Dafydd Jenkins, a skilled player and the second youngest captain in Wales’s history.

Warren Gatland, the coach, seemed lost at times, as if reminiscing about coaching life far away in New Zealand. However, Scotland, known for their entertaining play, went from complete control to total collapse. Their fall resembled a slow-motion video of a crash test dummy.

Maybe it was the sound of the pipes that awakened Wales. Perhaps it was the feeling of hopelessness that led them to abandon caution and challenge their inferiority. They didn’t expect Scotland to crumble, but with Aaron Wainwright’s remarkable leadership, they were ready to seize the opportunity.

James Botham scored, and George Turner received a penalty. Not a big deal; the gap was still 22 points, reflecting the years Scotland spent searching for victory in this stadium.

Then Rio Dyer scored, with only five minutes between the tries. The silent Principality Stadium suddenly became animated, drowning out the noisy piper. The gap was now down to 15.

Scotland fans exchanged worried glances. Fatalism seemed ingrained in them from birth. Still a three-score game, but they recognized the signs – a rising penalty count, a loss of discipline, avoidable errors, and bad decisions.

In the first half, Wales’ line-out was a mess, but it transformed into a thing of beauty in an instant. Sione Tuipulotu got a warning for offside and then received a penalty. Wainwright scored, and the color started to drain from Scottish faces. An eight-point game. Nineteen unanswered points. A stadium erupted in cheers.

On Friday, Finn Russell spoke about the power of the home crowd elevating their heroes in red. For a half, they thought he was joking; for the other half, they discovered he was right.

Scotland looked more rattled than rabbits in headlights. Complacency set in, followed by panic. The psychological drama of sport played out with every second.

Alex Mann made his debut and promptly scored try number four. One point separated the sides. In the coaches’ box, Gregor Townsend seemed haunted by Cardiff’s past.

The dramatic 2010 surrender, when Townsend was Andy Robinson’s assistant, flashed in his mind. Scotland, ten points ahead with three minutes to go, lost. This defeat would have paled compared to the one facing Scotland now. “Hold my beer,” the 2024 team said to the 2010 lads.

Scotland conceded 26 points on the spin, 21 of them with 14 men. Their mental weakness against rampaging Wales was astonishing.

Luke Crosbie left injured, mirroring the shaken expression of every Scotland supporter. Crosbie might still have a slim chance for France on Saturday, more than Richie Gray, whose championship may already be over.

Tuipulotu played as a back-row forward as Scotland clung on. They rallied, gained possession, calmed down, and then lost their nerve again.

With three minutes left, they had a line-out. Secure the ball, work the phases, kill the clock. No. Far more fun to throw the line-out over the top into Welsh hands.

At that point, you’d have been tempted to bet the house on Wales. Scotland looked unable to save themselves, utterly spent. A defeated docket.

To their credit, they found enough steel to see it out. They came within an inch of scoring a fourth try, and a third for Van der Merwe, but it wasn’t to be.

When it ended, there was no celebration, no joy. The Scots just stood there, unsure of what to do. Later, some said they were still at a loss about what happened – from coasting to crisis. Rarely has a win felt so strange in Scottish rugby history.

The review session in their team hotel will be a classic. Luckily, these meetings usually take place in a darkened room.