The incident took place on Wednesday morning at the headquarters of Police Headquarters in Warsaw. Radio Zet journalists were the first to inform about a possible explosion in this building.
“There was damage to the ceiling yesterday in the security service room. This is a classified room in which devices related to ensuring the protection of KGP facilities are located, so we cannot provide any information“, police spokesman Mariusz Ciarka told Onet. He added that no one was injured in the incident.
Our information also shows that yesterday a prosecutor and a special commission appeared on the spot, and inspected and documented the damage. Our source says that was the reason this part of the building was shut down. “The findings so far show that the damage does not affect the construction and safety of the building” – explained our informant.
The Ministry of the Interior and Administration also issued a communiqué on this matter. The ministry informed that the explosion took place “in a room adjacent to the office of the Chief Police Commander”.
“One of the gifts that the Commander received during his working visit to Ukraine on December 11-12 this year, where he met with the leadership of the Ukrainian Police and Emergency Situations Service, exploded. The gift was a gift from one of the heads of Ukrainian services” – we read in the message.
“As a result of the explosion, the Commandant suffered minor injuries and has been under observation in the hospital since yesterday. A civilian employee of the General Police Headquarters also suffered minor injuries that did not require hospitalization. The Polish side asked the Ukrainian side to submit appropriate explanations. services,” the ministry said.
According to the information that has been appearing in the media for several hours, the aforementioned “gift from Ukraine” is a grenade launcher. We also confirmed these reports in several independent sources.
However, the new findings of Onet in this matter are shocking. Our sources related to the services claim that the incident took place in the office where the commander and his associates were located. The officers were supposed to look at this gun. Our informants claim that at some point Szymczyk himself took the grenade launcher in his hand and directed it towards the door of the social room in his office.
All indications are that he accidentally fired the gun, not expecting it to be loaded. The bullet hit the floor and probably pierced it. This caused the ceiling in the room below the commander’s office to crumble.
“This is an outrageous situation for several reasons. Firstly, how is it possible that such weapons were brought into the commander’s office at all? It is against the rules. If the commander or anyone else brought them into this office, he should be punished. If it’s the commander brought it or even knowingly agreed to bring it” – in my opinion, this qualifies for his resignation – our informants believe.
“Not to mention the fact that no one even checked if the gun was loaded. After all, it’s a primer” – they add.
The Police Headquarters did not want to comment on our reports.